Monday, June 23, 2008

Book-to-Movie Adaptions

So I watched "Speak" on Youtube (God, how I love Youtube) and between waiting for my wheezy old computer to buffer and loading the separate parts of the movie, I was wondering about book to movie adaptions.

"Speak" turned out, as a movie, didn't fulfill my expectations of the book, which seems to be the case nowadays. We Pottermanics groan and weep over the inaquadete adaption from paper to screen (they missed the whole chapter in PoA that was the most central to the plot!!!) and I won't even comment on the Eragon film made two years ago.

True, some aren't so bad. I've watched both "The Notebook" and "A Walk to Remember" after reading the books, and I think that the screenwriters did a very good job of them. Classics written by Jane Austen also look very good on-screen.

I've already given up on the Harry Potter movie coming out later this year, but my hopes for "Twilight" aren't dashed yet, and although they were cut a bit after Emmett's line in the trailer *shudder*, the scene from MTV Movie Awards rose them back up several notches.

Here's the first ten minutes of "Speak" from Youtube.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The First Ten Lies They Tell You In High School

I've recently been reading many high-school dramas for my Book Club, but probably one of my favourites so far has to be "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson about a girl struggling through high school after an horrific summer holiday experience. A highly recommended read, but I was struck by the absolute truth and reality of Melaine's list of lies they tell you in high school. So, without further ado...

The First Ten Lies They Tell You In High School:

  1. We are here to help you.
  2. You will have enough time to get to your class before the bell rings.
  3. The dress code will be enforced.
  4. No smoking is allowed on school grounds.
  5. Guidance counselors are always available to listen to you.
  6. You will use algebra in your adult life.
  7. Your locker combination is private.
  8. Your schedule was created with your needs in mind.
  9. Students must stay on campus for lunch.
  10. These will be the years you look back on fondly.

EDIT: Just googled "Speak" and found out a movie had been made on it back in 2004. Turns out that Kristen Stewart (playing Bella in the upcoming "Twilight" movie) has the main role!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Greetings, Earthlings

Welcome to those crazed few who have happened to stumble upon by blog. Hopefully, you will be able to survive the process and endure the mad, rambling thoughts of yours truly. Enjoy your stay on Planet Earth.